AIFF Media Team
NEW DELHI: All India Football Federation’s Technical Committee meeting was Chaired by Mr. Shyam Thapa, Chairman, AIFF Technical Committee at AIFF Headquarters, the Football House in Dwarka, New Delhi on Thursday (May 9, 2019).
AIFF Technical Director Mr. Isac Doru, Vice-Chairman Mr. Henry Menezes, Mr. Prasanta Banerjee, Mr. Pradip Datta, Mr. GP Palguna, and Mr. Sundar Raman also attended the meeting. Mr. Ishfaq Ahmed was granted leave of absence.
Besides, AIFF General Secretary Mr. Kushal Das, and National Team Director Mr. Abhishek Yadav were present as ex-officio members.
The Committee conducted detailed interviews with all the four shortlisted candidates for the post of the Indian Senior Men’s Team National Coach – Mr. Hakan Ericson, Mr. Albert Roca, Mr. Igor Stimac, and Mr. Lee Min Sung -- and as per the AIFF Constitution, has sent its recommendations to the AIFF Executive Committee for a final decision.