Win very important at this juncture: Ghosh
21 Jun 2014

AIFF Media Team

BARASAT: A 6-1 demotion of Home United, Singapore is the perfect medicine before a string of three away fixtures for AIFF XI, according to Head Coach Goutam Ghosh.

Speaking at the post match press conference after his side’s 6-1 defeat of the lowly Singaporean outfit which propelled them to their first victory of the tournament, Coach Ghosh said that “this win will give the boys that much needed confidence booster ahead of the three away games which will be in foreign conditions.”

“All along I have heard people say that we have been a good side to watch. We have played well but have lost. In the last match against the same team in Singapore we had ten chances to score. I am glad the boys made amends.”

Lavishing praise on the U-16 Boys who dominated the one-sided tie from start to finish, Ghosh maintained: “All the credit goes to the boys. They have been through all these negativity and have taken it on their chin.

“The World Cup has been a great morale booster as well. They have seen big teams like Spain, England go out and the likes of Italy struggle against lesser opposition. They have realised it happens to even the best in the business and they have take the positives from them.”

Home United Manager Alim Omar echoed Ghosh speaking high of their counterparts at the Media Interaction.

Asked about their opponents, Alim said: “They are very organized side. When on song they play so well and in a cohesive manner. They were very good against us at home as well.”

Signing off, Ghosh sounded a note of caution too.

“We have to carry forward this momentum going into the away matches. There lies the real test. This win will go a long way in lifting the flagging spirits.”

AIFF XI play three matches on the road next with PVF Vietnam, Frenz United Indonesia and Timor Leste U-16 Team up next.

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