Senior National Team
‘Charaiveti,’ Subhasish’s inner conscience urges him to help the needy
13 Apr 2020

In the midst of the prevailing lockdown all over India, Indian National Team defender Subhashish Bose felt that he needed to give back something to the society that has loved him so much. He writes for the official website of Indian Football.

By Subhasish Bose,
Player, Indian National Team

KOLKATA: It’s time to stay indoors, however, difficult it may be. There’s nothing to debate over it, nothing to ponder.

Somewhere down the line, however, I felt restless. It’s understandable that even as we need to #StayHomeStaySafe, there have been so many brave hearts who have cared less for their lives, and are out to serve the country in this troubled time – the doctors, nurses, cleaners, police, journalists, etc.

But are they enough? Can we all just sit back on our cosy rooms, and expect the privilege of others keeping us safe? Don’t we need more volunteers?

My conscience didn’t allow me to shy away -- rather it kept on pushing me to give it back to the society where I have grown up. Swamiji’s (Vivekananda) words – “Otho, Jaago, Charaiveti, Charaiveti,” (Arise, Awake, Move Ahead) kept on reverberating between my ears.

And eventually, I had to move out -- not for fun, not to have a roam, but try to lend a helping hand.

I gauged that the current situation is kind of a struggle for a lot of daily wage earners. With everyone, and everything locked down for the bigger cause, I just couldn’t be selfish.

Could I help? I asked myself. Off-course I could, and I went out.

It was such a satisfaction to hand over some food items to lot many known faces whom I have known in my locality over my upbringing. The rickshaw pullers who have so many times offered me free rides to and fro to local matches, that local vendor and shopkeeper who had gifted me so many free packets after heart-warming performances – I felt I needed to pay them back.

God is kind, that today I am able to help them. Thank you, Lord, for providing me with the strength. All of that was done by maintaining social distancing, and proper protection.

All of them whom I handed over packets wanted to hug me, some of them had tears in their eyes. Their hugs can wait. We wait for society to throb again. Till then stay home, and stay safe.

(as told to AIFF Media Team)

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