Indian Football
Huge boost for Training Compensation under AIFF-RSTP
19 Jun 2023

AIFF Media Team

NEW DELHI: In an effort to promote Youth Development across the country, The All India Football Federation has identified 73 leagues/tournaments from all over India, where participating clubs/academies will be eligible for training compensation as per the AIFF Regulations on Status and Transfer of Players, 2023 (RSTP 2023). Around 175 tournaments/leagues were held in 2022-23 in India.

This is a huge boost for the clubs/academies in comparison to 13 tournaments that was taken into consideration earlier in 2021-22 season.

Training Compensation is a mechanism that rewards clubs for investing in the development of young players, who later sign their first professional contract with another club. The amount of Training Compensation is based on the training costs of the new club and the training period of the player and is governed under the Annexe 4 of the AIFF Regulation on Status and Transfer of Players (AIFF RSTP).

As per the recent amendments to AIFF RSTP 2023, all clubs registered on AIFF CRS will be eligible for training compensation and the criteria of participation in a particular tournament has been removed from the 2023-24 season onwards.

The categories and the list of tournaments have been communicated to the Member Associations and the clubs/academies registered on AIFF CRS. The link for the same is given below.

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