29 Apr 2017

By Shoubhik Mukhopadhyay,
AIFF Media Team

NEW DELHI: Jayesh Rane has been one of the mainstays of Aizawl FC midfield as the Club needs a draw against Shillong Lajong FC to land their first-ever Hero I-League title. A day before the North-East Derby, Rane speaks about the living a dream for the Mizo community, missing Ashutosh Mehta and Alfred Jaryan, settling down in Aizawl, the mood in the dressing room and much more.EXCERPTS:

When did you start believing that you can win the Hero I-League?

Once we started our home games one after another, we started murmuring it. Trust me, neither of us could believe at the start of the season that we might clinch the big prize from the grasp of the bigwigs of Indian Football. As we continued to win matches, the belief started building up gradually. Now it's a now or never situation and everything is boiling down to the final 90 minutes.

But it’s not over as yet. We have not won the Hero I-League as yet.

Ashutosh (Mehta) and Alfred (Jaryan) won’t be available to play in the last match. Will that have an effect?

Both of them have been an integral part of our campaign so far. Shillong Lajong FC have always been a powerhouse at home and the job would be tougher without Ashutosh and Alfred. But you know, there's a positive vibe in our dressing room and everyone is raring to give it a shot.

In another way, I feel their absence might help us to regroup us we have to put in that extra effort to fill for their absence. Whoever will start on Sunday, they will have big shoes to fill in. Everyone is ready to play a part in scripting history.

How do you feel living a dream with the entire Mizo community?

It can never be any better than their terrific support. On every match day, almost the entire state pours into the stadium to cheer for us. They are the reason why we are here! But it's not over yet, we have one more game to go. Aizawl FC is of Mizoram, by Mizoram and for Mizoram.

How have Jayesh Rane, the Mumbaikar, coped up with the Aizawl life>

Initially, it was really difficult for me to cope-up with the life>

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