National Youth Team
03 Oct 2017

AIFF Media Team

NEW DELHI: Coming from humble beginnings, Boris Singh is as excited as any player in the Indian U-17 World Cup Team for the FIFA U-17 World Cup 2017 India, and with the mega event at hand, had a detailed chat with the defender to know more about his beginnings, his take on the FIFA U-17 World Cup and a lot more. EXCERPTS:

How did you start playing football?

I used to play football with a tennis ball when I first started playing, it was what we could afford at that time and I had to make the most out of it. There were facilities in Manipur but when I came to AIFF the amount of facilities needed to change my game were immense. AIFF has helped me a lot to develop as a player.

How supportive was your family in your journey to the Indian U-17s?

My father used to help run a grocery shop with my mother but after it got shut, he took daily work. There were hard times and they made me the man I am today. I love my family more than anything, they are my life and they have supported me through every minute of the journey. Everything I do is for them.

How big is football in Manipur?

Manipur is one of the most passionate states when it comes to football in India. Every kids is metaphorically born with a ball and they start playing when they are very young. Even babies accompany their parents to local matches in Manipur. The craze is unlike anything and it continues to grow.

How excited are you for the FIFA U-17 World Cup? 

I am very much excited and focused on the FIFA U-17 World Cup at the moment and our first priority is to get out of the group stages, whilst taking one match at a time. It is a big moment for me and my family to be a associated with the FIFA U-17 World Cup. 

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