Women's Football
Gracefully dribbling
03 Mar 2016

By Joseph Solomon,
AIFF Media Team

GUWAHATI: Women’s Football and Manipur have been synonyms for long. Peep into the history and you will find the newer generation taking inspiration from their role models and “guidance” from other legendary Manipuri sportspersons of other disciplines.

Barely 19, Dangmei Grace, all in love with the Football as she tries to keep it glued to her field all throughout the day, never forgets to mention about the being “enchanted, inspired and motivated,” by her role model.

“When I first saw Bala Devi play I thought to myself that I want to be like her and that inspired me to take up Football,” says a ever grinning Grace. “She played with a magical vibe and that cajoled the Footballing passion in me,” she smiles.

Bala, the 2015 AIFF Woman Footballer of the Year has been joined by Grace upfront for the Indian National Team and in the recently concluded South Asian Games in Shillong where the Indian Women won the Gold, the duo struck up quite a combination.

“I wanted to do every trick she did and the way she passed defenders by. Hence, I started practicing on my own,” she recollects.

“Whenever I got a chance to sneak out from my House, I would rush to the fields nearby and play Football. But there were times where I used to be to sole one on the field,” she goes on. “But I had to play. If there was nobody to play against I practiced solo runs and dribbles.”

The echoes of the solo dribbles past defenders, only better and more exquisite are evident in Grace’s electric >

“The dribbles are something which are a part of me. I have tried to perfect the art through self-learning. On the field, hence, it gives me the confidence and the pleasure to take on defenders and beat them.”

However it was not only Bala Devi who inspired Grace in her quest for excellence, but Manipuri icons from other sports too.

“Mary Kom and Sarita Devi have really been a motivation for me as they taught me that a girl can do anything at par with the Men. They taught me to live my dreams and follow my passion. They were my guiding light when the going got really tough.”

But her journey wasn’t a fairy tale. “My parents were against me playing Football but gradually they understood and appreciated my love for the sports. Ever since, they have been supportive enough. They call me before every match to wish me luck,” Grace smiles again.

She pursued her dreams and eventually it came true – the dream of leading the Indian attack along with her role model.

“It is so much satisfying that I get to play alongside my role model. How many Footballers have been able to do that?” Grace asks rhetorically and follows up shaking her head: “Not many.”

Dreams are what Grace is made of. “It motivates me to give my cent percent on the field for the Nation. I will ever be thankful to the AIFF for giving me a chance to play alongside Bala Devi.”

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