AIFF Media Team
NEW DELHI: AIFF will offer a financial subsidy to eligible Baby League operators under the AIFF Baby Leagues project as part of the FIFA Forward Plan.
A Baby League Operator can be a cub, stand-alone academy, State FA, District FA, Corporate Unit or any natural or judicial person.
For a league operator to be eligible for the subsidy, the league must be among the first 99 baby leagues that are being set up in India under the present phase and across different age categories (4 to 13 years), and adhered to subsidy terms and conditions, as prescribed and notified by the AIFF.
AIFF proposes to provide the league operators with a subsidy of INR 85,000 (Indian Rupees Eighty-five thousand) for a league in each age category. A Baby League Operator must have a minimum of 3 age categories.
The AIFF Baby Leagues project also endeavours to identify and incentivize the best-organized league and the State Football Association with the most enthusiastic participation.
The league and State FA identified would be eligible for an incentive at the end of the first phase of the AIFF Baby Leagues project. The leagues would be evaluated on the basis of the number of days that the league runs for, the number of teams that participate and the number of rounds that a team plays in the league itself as per the regulations.
All potential baby league operators should notify AIFF about their intention to operate a league in writing to the AIFF through their respective State Football Associations via the League organization request form available on the official AIFF website. Upon approval, a confirmation email will be sent to the league operator to go ahead on the same with the operator registering the same on the Baby league application.
The League Operators Guideline, League Organisation Request Form and the Rules and Regulations can be found at https://www.the-aiff.com/document-library.htm. The Baby Leagues project will be divided into phases with the first phase ending in December 2018.
For more information or clarifications in relation to the same, please contact at srinivasansaimani@the-aiff.com.