AIFF Media Team
NEW DELHI: The All India Football Federation is happy to announce the opening of the Academy Accreditation Application window for the 2018/19 season. The application window will be open from 9:00 am, January 18, 2018.
The Academy Accreditation portal will be open from 9:00 am on 18th January, 2018 and will remain open till 11:59 pm on 16th April, 2018.
The regulations for the same is now published and available at the All India Football Federation website under Document Library. All entities with a youth development structure interested in securing accreditation from AIFF for the coming season are required to download and go through the document. The document enlists all required criteria to be fulfilled in order to get accreditation and also the procedure to apply for the same.
Academy Accreditation Regulations 2018-19 Download available at - https://www.the-aiff.com/document-library.htm
The Academy Accreditation is also one of the eligibility criteria for participation in next season's Youth Leagues. Academies claiming to fulfill the set criteria are required to upload necessary proof in form of official documents on the Accreditation portal by a given deadline. After successful upload of all required documents, the same will be assessed and reverted upon. The process will be followed by physical inspection at respective sites to verify the uploads. Points will then be allotted to each academy after inspection. The total points allotted will determine the Academy rating.
The link to the portal for uploading all supporting documents as per the accreditation criteria is the same link used to access the Central Registration System (CRS). All academies who do not have access to the CRS would be required to get in touch with the concerned State Football Association of their location. All supporting documents in regard to Academy Accreditation will be uploaded under the Club Management tab.
For any doubts and concerns in regard to CRS access, an academy may get in touch with the Registrations department via e-mail at registrations@the-aiff.com or through telephone by the contact numbers given at https://www.the-aiff.com/contact-us-AIFF.htm